書誌情報・目次のページへ 読者の声のページへ


●サンデー毎日 (6月27日号) 斎藤貴男氏評
官僚や政治家、保険業界関係者などに 幅広く読んでほしいと結んだ訳者の願いは、あまりにも切実だ。

●BE−PAL 2004年5月号 安藤眞氏(モータージャーナリスト)評
「SUVユーザー=自然愛好者なんて幻想だ。 合衆国の国民性に迫る好著」
読みどころは、2章から6章までに書かれている「大型SUVブームの真の理由」 である。
トラックは燃費・排ガス・安全性の点で、乗用車ほどの規制は受けないから、 規制に縛られて大型化できない乗用車に対し、際限なく大型化できる。
そこに、燃費は悪くても大きくてパワーのあるクルマを好むアメリカ人の嗜好、 犯罪や暴力に対する
過剰な強迫観念、「事故のときは相手が死ねばいい」と いう"爬虫類的生殖本能"が加わり、SUVが
これらがアメリカ人の国民性だとしたら、その延長線上にイラク侵攻を 見てしまうのは、評者だけではないだろう。
自動車問題を告発した本としてはもちろん、文化人類学的な本として、 興味深く読むことができる。


●東京新聞(2004年3月28日付) 橋本克彦氏(ノンフィクション作家)評
いかにもマッチョで、四輪駆動のオフロード仕様、排気量四千CC以上級の SUV車(多目的利用車)がアメリカの自動車市場を席巻するようになって 久しいが、こんな車はまったくのゲテモノ、社会にとってひとつもよいことはない、 という主張が膨大な取材によって裏付けられた超弩級の報告である。
なぜアメリカ人はこのゲテモノ車を好むようになったのかを、所得階層別購買傾向、 深層心理、
メーカーの販売戦略、背後の法律と関税、貿易構造までをえぐって報告 するのである。
これはSUVを補助線としてアメリカ社会を病理分析したジャーナリズムの勝利と いえそうである。

●CAR GRAPHIC 2004年5月号
非常にボリュームのある本だが、自動車産業の内幕を露にする 興味深い記述が

●ソトコト 2004年5月号
「大型でワイルド=他者への威嚇、優位性」という爬虫類的反応で 売られているという。
今や「防衛のための先制攻撃」を正当化しようとする、彼の国姿勢と 関係はないだろうか。

事故での乗員の死亡率が高く、相手に重大な損傷を与え、 普通車の5・5倍の汚染物質を
政治献金と巨大労組の票を利用した自動車業界が、 米国政府と癒着し、SUVを規制のゆるい
小型トラックに分類させた 内実を明らかにするルポ。

●「出版ニュース 2004年4月上号」でも紹介されました!!


"Bradsher has a wide range of contacts in the business . . . a background giving weight to what easily could have become a polemic. He gives a comprehensive account of how lobbying by car companies, car dealers and the autoworkers' union blocked attempts to impose environmental and safety regulations on SUVs." -The Economist

"An intelligent reader will conclude from this meticulous and sober investigation that the makers of these behemoths have exploited a lucrative market of self-regarding urban and suburban consumers who care not a whit that by driving such menacing and wasteful machines they are committing a horrendously antisocial act." -The Atlantic Monthly

"Detroit's top auto executives, plus legions of Explorer, Grand Cherokee, Durango, Navigator, and Tahoe owners, will be squirming-and probably fuming-over publication . . . [of] High and Mighty." -Detroit Free Press

"Thoroughly researched, superbly readable. . . . A tribute to what one hard-nosed investigative reporter can pull off, regardless of auto-industry promotion of an alternate reality." -Philadelphia Inquirer

"Damned if Bradsher doesn't make a point. In fact a fusillade of points, wounding enough to get his book banned in Michigan. It isn't so much that the average SUV is underengineered, inept, unsafe, polluting, fuel-guzzling and sociopathically aggressive . . . as that it's so knowingly, cynically, avoidably so . . . [A] sobering, infuriating, necessary book." -The New York Times Book Review

"Dazzling. . . . Bradsher writes with knowledge and confidence. His book is a masterpiece of its kind, splendidly combining reporting, analysis and indignation. It belongs on the same shelf as Ralph Nader's Unsafe at Any Speed and Ida Tarbell's The History of Standard Oil, chronicles of the dangerous interaction of corporate perfidy and regulatory breakdown. High and Mighty tells us more than we may care to know about how government malfunctions, and about the more disturbing aspects of the American cult of driving. . . . Bradsher's terrific book provides incredible and ominous detail on the risks that SUVs and pickups pose to other drivers, and the extent to which automakers knew the dangers and covered them up." -The New Republic

"This is one of the best books on American politics I have read recently, although it's supposed to be about cars. . . . Marvelously told. . . . How [the auto market] came undone is Keith Bradsher's menacing story, and I think he has it cold." -The New York Times

"It's the juicy background stories that make this an interesting book. . . . It's a good read that is packed with valuable information, and anyone who thinks they need an SUV-no matter what the reason-would benefit from reading it." -Motor Age

"Superb for many reasons, but above all because it studies the rise of the SUV from inside the auto-industrial complex itself. . . . Fascinating historical material is presented with narrative panache. . . . Every engaged citizen of our perishable republic ought to read this book." -Newsday

"Not since Ralph Nader's Unsafe at Any Speed has there been such a critical look at the U.S. auto industry, or one that is more timely." -Seattle Post-Intelligencer

"An expose in the best tradition. Keith Bradsher takes a phenomenon we all think we're familiar with-and then explains its hidden history and startling consequences in eye-opening ways. Anyone who has an SUV in the family or who faces SUVs on the road will want to know what's in this book." -James Fallows

"Reveals not just the get-the-profits-up-at-any-cost excesses of the auto industry, but the craven behavior of Washington that surrenders its regulatory oversight, the true safety menace these truck pose, and even the cowardly silence of environmentalists. Who speaks for consumers? This eloquent, painstakingly reported book does. It is a shout that must be heard." -Ken Auletta

"Bradsher tells the gripping, sordid story of the domestic auto industry's callousness, cover-up, deception, and greed. . . . A siren call to motorists to protect their families, pocketbooks, and environment, and buy all-around better cars." -Ralph Nader
